Your support means free Shakespeare for all!
For 50 years, we've connected audiences through FREE Shakespeare in Delaware Park (501c3). Our mission is to enrich, educate, and entertain diverse audiences through the works of William Shakespeare, and with more than 45,000 visitors each year, we're not stopping until every member of our community has access to live, professional theatre!
Through our work, we seek to expand our understanding of one another and to use our shared experiences to foster emotional respect and open communication among our neighbors.
With 28% of city residents living at or below the poverty line, SDP is an asset to families lacking the financial resources to participate in many of the region’s cultural offerings. The nature of our free programming lends itself to accessibility; eliminating economic barriers allows participation across socioeconomic divides. For many, our productions are their first and only experience with live theatre.
We are a theatre of the people and we continually strive to create programs that better reflect and enhance the communities we serve.